No thanks, I'm just browsing
Posted by Rob Shrubsall on
Congratulations – marketing has done its job... The customer is on your web store, looking, searching, exploring. They are hungry to purchase. They might know what they want. But, there are 100's of ways of satisfying that hunger. When they say "it's ok, I'm just browsing" - it may be because they don't want human contact - one reason people like to shop online. In this instance, they probably don't want to hear about specials or premium service. They want a painless experience. Whichever channel - real or virtual - they want to leave your store knowing they have made...
Maximise your potential
Posted by Rich Ingram on
Do you convey the right message? I bet you personalise your invitations. It's all in the messaging – show the value and get the “Connect”. However, I'm not here to talk about your personal potential, but that of your products. How your customers value them and decide what they will pay Do they value your products? Well - it depends! At the end of the day, value is a perception of the consumer. It is based on what they consciously derive from consuming the product. And it can vary greatly for the same item. Why should that be so? Of...
Do you want fries with that?
Posted by Rich Ingram on
You saw the posters, you browsed the board, made your choice and got to the counter…Whether you classify the assistants as salespeople or not, they are certainly well drilled. Make it a meal, go large and of course ‘Would you like fries with that?’ What’s that got to do with you – apart from your diet of course? Take two lessons from a certain hamburger chain. Did you ask for the order? Did you try to extend the sale? Bad news. 9 out of 10 of you fail to do that. How do I know? Well as you are reading...
Do You React or Anticipate: Test Yourself
Posted by Rich Ingram on
So you managed to get through Blue Monday unscathed, ready to tackle the world head on and get results, right? Let's start with a little test. Are these actions of reaction or anticipation? “I know what is happening in my market. I plan and I stay ahead. I checkout my competition and act so that I always have the edge I communicate often with my customers so that I can deliver what they need from me next.” So which type is this? This person sounds like they are on top of things? They are making positive choices and not drifting on...
How to choose the right bot: SME digital sales agents
Posted by Rich Ingram on
A guide for SME business leaders focused on sales and profit growth Part One: Introduction It seems now certain that it is not if but when will AI powered bots or smart machines be joining your business? In this first of a series of articles that I will be publishing between now and the seasonal break - I will share my experience built up as a ‘C’ level over 15 years using and developing for e-commerce. I am looking at this topic from the perspective of SME business. That is organisations with between 1 and 1000 people and sales of...